Do you want to avoid complications associated with Diabetes?
Do you want to be empowered with information? Make an appointment with one of our doctors for you own diabetic review.
Every 3 months you require:
- Diabetes Review with GP
- HBA1c Blood Test
- Weight
- Blood Pressure Check
- BMI calculation
- Waist Circumference
Every 6 months you require
- Weight
- Blood Pressure Check
- Examination of Feet
- BMI calculation
- Review of medication
- Waist Circumference
Every 12 months you require
- Flu vaccination before winter (To all those susceptible influenza and pneumonia can be serious and even life threatening.)
- Weight
- Blood Pressure Check
- BMI Calculation
- Examination of Feet
- Review of medication
- Pathology including HBA1c, lipid profile, microalbinuria, creatinine, ect.
- Referrals to Allied Health Services, including Dietician, Optometrist, Podiatrist ect.
- Self Care Education
- Waist Circumference
Our Team
Dr Carly Penfound
Dr Carly Penfound qualified in the UK in 2007. She moved to Australia in 2010 and has worked as an ...
Dr Carly PenfoundDr Zee Wong
BMedSci (Hons) MBBS FRACGP Dr Zee Wong graduated from University of Tasmania in 2011. Since moving to Western Australia,...
Dr Zee WongDr Richard Martin
MBBS, Dip. Child Health WA, B.Sc Agr A family oriented person, he loves gardening, nature, bushwalking and music. Origin...
Dr Richard MartinDr Harinder Paul
MBBS, MS (Gen Surgery), B.Sc, D.Pharm, AMC, FRACGP Harinder is enthusiastic about and committed to training and supervis...
Dr Harinder PaulDr Toni Craft
MB.CHB, MRCGP(UK), DRCOG Dr Craft has been in general practice since 1991, originally in the UK. She enjoys the variety ...
Dr Toni CraftDr Eboney Staker
MBBS, FRACGP Eboney started with us as a GP Registrar. She is now a full time GP with us at North Street and a valued te...
Dr Eboney StakerDr Timothy Hepworth
MBBS, FRACGP Dr Timothy Hepworth graduated from UWA in 2013. He has worked in various Perth Metropolitan Hospitals since...
Dr Timothy Hepworth